Indonesia Anti-Fire
Regulatory Database

Crafting academic database
about fires forest

Key Action 1

Collecting associated policies, reports, and other documents pertaining to fires

Key Action 2

Creating a searchable and accessible online database archive of regulations related to fires at the national, sub-national, and local levels

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Since 2023

The thick smoke from forest fires often obscures the true narrative of what’s unfolding. This project serves as a concerted effort to cut through the haze and bring to light the stories and community initiatives responding to the crisis at hand.

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Our Articles
about fires forest

Check out the latest post on our official page, featuring an article written by our members.

The fires in Central Kalimantan are real. In 2023, the fire engulfed around 1 million hectares. Since the late 1990s, the magnitude of forest fires and haze disasters have increased. The 2015 crisis, with 2.6 million hectares burned, was a significant event that urged the government to acknowledge and respond to these disasters. The fires destroy flora and fauna and impact people’s health, everyday life, and sense of self and community. Beyond those who are directly affected by the disaster, wider community engagement with these problems is limited. This is due not only to lack of media attention, but also to the nature of conventional news reporting in the ‘(c)old’ print and broadcast media, which tend to situate the fires in geographically and emotionally faraway places.

On 24 December 2023, Sri Mulyani, the Indonesian minister of finance looked optimistic. In her address to the high-level round table on the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) initiated by the COP28 Presidency and the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), she conveyed that Indonesia had successfully contributed 15 per cent of the total Asian VCM. With a carbon offsetting transaction value amounting up to US$163 million for the period 2016 to 2020, and with 464,843 tonnes of CO2 sold at the Indonesian Carbon Exchange, she declared that the carbon market ‘shows a promising future potential.’

Photo essay: Out of the ashes

In the last decade, locals in Pulau Hanaut subdistrict, Central Kalimantan, have gradually become entangled in wildfire protection through a set of government regulations, ranging from presidential instructions, to provincial, regency, and even sub-district regulations. The Ecosystem Restoration project through PT Rimba Makmur Utama is tasked with protecting the forest area surrounding Pulau Hanaut, and invites locals to take on these responsibilities, especially when confronted by wildfires. This project has disrupted fire practices for agricultural purposes. For locals in this region the options for alternative livelihoods are limited, as is the compensation offered to them by authorities.